Aurora Events

Learn more about the events available for your embedded player.

Quick reference

NameReact nameDescription
api-readyonApiReadyThe api of the <wistia-player> embed has been initialized and is ready for interaction.
cancel-fullscreenonCancelFullscreenThe video has left fullscreen mode.
can-playonCanPlayThe browser can play the media, but it estimates that not enough data has been loaded to play the media up to its end without having to stop for further buffering of content.
can-play-throughonCanPlayThroughThe browser estimates it can play the media up to its end without stopping for content buffering.
captions-changeonCaptionsChangeA different caption setting has been selected in the player.
conversiononConversionAn email has been entered into a Turnstile.
endedonEndedThe media's state has changed to "ended".
enter-fullscreenonEnterFullscreenThe video has entered fullscreen mode.
loaded-dataonLoadedDataThe first frame of the media has finished loading.
loaded-media-dataonLoadedMediaDataThe media data of the media has been loaded.
loaded-metadataonLoadedMetadataThe metadata of the media has been loaded. May be delayed until user interaction with the video.
load-startonLoadStartThe browser has started to load a <wistia-player> embed.
mute-changeonMuteChangeThe media's muted state has changed.
pauseonPauseThe media's state has changed to "paused".
percent-watched-changeonPercentWatchedChangeThe value of percentWatched has changed.
playonPlayThe media's state has changed to "playing".
rate-changeonRateChangeThe playback rate of the media has changed.
second-changeonSecondChangeThe current second of the video has changed.
seekedonSeekedA seek operation has completed.
seekingonSeekingA seek operation has begun.
silent-playback-mode-changeonSilentPlaybackModeChangeThe value of silentAutoplay has changed.
time-updateonTimeUpdateThe currentTime property is different from the lastTime property.
volume-changeonVolumeChangeThe volume or mute state has changed.

Try it!



Using events

Events dispatched by <wistia-player> can be listened for using addEventListener and removeEventListener. Events can be dispatched from user interaction (e.g. play, pause) or from updates within the player itself (e.g. can-play, time-update).

<script src="" async type="module"></script>
<script src="" async></script>

<wistia-player id="my-player" media-id="abc123"></wistia-player>

  const player = document.getElementById("my-player");
  player.addEventListener("play", () => {
    console.log("The video was just played!");

Some events like mute-change include additional information in their details property:

<script src="" async type="module"></script>
<script src="" async></script>

<wistia-player id="my-player" media-id="abc123"></wistia-player>

  const player = document.getElementById("my-player");
  player.addEventListener("mute-change", (event) => {
    const { isMuted } = event.detail;
    if (isMuted) {
      console.log("The video is muted!");
    } else {
      console.log("The video is not muted!");

Attributes can also be set on the React component version of the player, <WistiaPlayer>. They're set as props on the component, and are formatted in camelCase with an on prefix.

import { WistiaPlayer } from "@wistia/wistia-player/react";

export default function App() {
  function handleMuteChange(event) {
    const { isMuted } = event.detail;
    if (isMuted) {
      console.log("The video is muted!");
    } else {
      console.log("The video is not muted!");
  return (
    <WistiaPlayer mediaId="abc123" onMuteChange={handleMuteChange} />


Fires when the api of the <wistia-player> embed has been initialized and is ready for interaction.

Example code:

<script src="" async></script>
<wistia-player id="my-player" media-id="abc123"></wistia-player>

  const player = document.getElementById("my-player");
  player.addEventListener("api-ready", () => {
    console.log("This player's api is ready for interaction.");
import { WistiaPlayer } from "@wistia/wistia-player-react";

export default function App() {
  function handleApiReady() {
    console.log("This player's api is ready for interaction.");
  return (
    <WistiaPlayer mediaId="abc123" onApiReady={handleApiReady} />


Fires when the video leaves fullscreen mode.

Example code:

<script src="" async></script>
<wistia-player id="my-player" media-id="abc123"></wistia-player>

  const player = document.getElementById("my-player");
  player.addEventListener("cancel-fullscreen", () => {
    console.log("The video is no longer playing in fullscreen.");
import { WistiaPlayer } from "@wistia/wistia-player-react";

export default function App() {
  function handleCancelFullscreen() {
    console.log("The video is no longer playing in fullscreen.");
  return (
    <WistiaPlayer mediaId="abc123" onCancelFullscreen={handleCancelFullscreen} />


Fires when the browser can play the media, but it estimates that not enough data has been loaded to play the media up to its end without having to stop for further buffering of content.

Example code:

<script src="" async></script>
<wistia-player id="my-player" media-id="abc123"></wistia-player>

  const player = document.getElementById("my-player");
  player.addEventListener("can-play", () => {
    console.log("The media can be played, but it will probably have to stop to buffer.");
import { WistiaPlayer } from "@wistia/wistia-player-react";

export default function App() {
  function handleCanPlay() {
    console.log("The media can be played, but it will probably have to stop to buffer.");
  return (
    <WistiaPlayer mediaId="abc123" onCanPlay={handleCanPlay} />


Fires when the browser estimates it can play the media up to its end without stopping for content buffering.

Example code:

<script src="" async></script>
<wistia-player id="my-player" media-id="abc123"></wistia-player>

  const player = document.getElementById("my-player");
  player.addEventListener("can-play-through", () => {
    console.log("The media can be played without stopping for buffering.");
import { WistiaPlayer } from "@wistia/wistia-player-react";

export default function App() {
  function handleCanPlayThrough() {
    console.log("The media can be played without stopping for buffering.");
  return (
    <WistiaPlayer mediaId="abc123" onCanPlayThrough={handleCanPlayThrough} />


Fires when a different caption setting is selected in the player.

This event also includes additional information stored in its detail property:

isVisiblebooleantrue if captions are currently enabled on the player.
languagestringThe currently enabled caption language represented by a short string of characters.

Example code:

<script src="" async></script>
<wistia-player id="my-player" media-id="abc123"></wistia-player>

  const player = document.getElementById("my-player");
  player.addEventListener("captions-change", (event) => {
    const { isVisible, language } = event.detail;
    console.log(`The captions of this media are now ${isVisible ? "visible" : "hidden"} in ${language} language.`);
    // Example output: "The captions of this media are now visible in eng language."
import { WistiaPlayer } from "@wistia/wistia-player-react";

export default function App() {
  function handleCaptionsChange(event) {
    const { isVisible, language } = event.detail;
    console.log(`The captions of this media are now ${isVisible ? "visible" : "hidden"} in ${language} language.`);

    // Example output: "The captions of this media are now visible in eng language."
  return (
    <WistiaPlayer mediaId="abc123" onCaptionsChange={handleCaptionsChange} />


Fires when an email is entered into a Turnstile.

This event also includes additional information stored in its detail property:

typestringReturns "pre-roll-email", "mid-roll-email", or "post-roll-email"based on where in the media the Turnstile appears.
emailstringThe string the viewer input into the "Email" field of the Turnstile.
firstNamestringThe string the viewer input into the "First Name" field of the Turnstile.
lastNamestringThe string the viewer input into the "Last Name" field of the Turnstile.

Example code:

<script src="" async></script>
<wistia-player id="my-player" media-id="abc123"></wistia-player>

  const player = document.getElementById("my-player");
  player.addEventListener("conversion", (event) => {
    const { type, email, firstName, lastName } = event.detail;
    console.log(`The viewer ${firstName} ${lastName} entered their email address ${email} into the ${type} Turnstile.`);
    // Example output: The viewer Lorem Ipsum entered their email address into the post-roll-email Turnstile.
import { WistiaPlayer } from "@wistia/wistia-player-react";

export default function App() {
  function handleConversion(event) {
    const { type, email, firstName, lastName } = event.detail;
    console.log(`The viewer ${firstName} ${lastName} entered their email address ${email} into the ${type} Turnstile.`);

    // Example output: The viewer Lorem Ipsum entered their email address into the post-roll-email Turnstile.
  return (
    <WistiaPlayer mediaId="abc123" onConversion={handleConversion} />


Fires when the media's state changes to "ended".

Example code:

<script src="" async></script>
<wistia-player id="my-player" media-id="abc123"></wistia-player>

  const player = document.getElementById("my-player");
  player.addEventListener("ended", () => {
    console.log("Lenny was here.");
import { WistiaPlayer } from "@wistia/wistia-player-react";

export default function App() {
  function handleEnded() {
    console.log("Lenny was here.");
  return (
    <WistiaPlayer mediaId="abc123" onEnded={handleEnded} />


Fires when the video enters fullscreen mode.

Example code:

<script src="" async></script>
<wistia-player id="my-player" media-id="abc123"></wistia-player>

  const player = document.getElementById("my-player");
  player.addEventListener("enter-fullscreen", () => {
    console.log("The video is now playing in fullscreen.");
import { WistiaPlayer } from "@wistia/wistia-player-react";

export default function App() {
  function handleEnterFullscreen() {
    console.log("The video is now playing in fullscreen.");
  return (
    <WistiaPlayer mediaId="abc123" onEnterFullscreen={handleEnterFullscreen} />


Fires when the first frame of the media has finished loading.

Example code:

<script src="" async></script>
<wistia-player id="my-player" media-id="abc123"></wistia-player>

  const player = document.getElementById("my-player");
  player.addEventListener("loaded-data", () => {
    console.log("The first frame of the media has loaded.");
import { WistiaPlayer } from "@wistia/wistia-player-react";

export default function App() {
  function handleLoadedData() {
  	console.log("The first frame of the media has loaded.");
  return (
    <WistiaPlayer mediaId="abc123" onLoadedData={handleLoadedData} />


Fires when media data of the media has been loaded.

Example code:

<script src="" async></script>
<wistia-player id="my-player" media-id="abc123"></wistia-player>

  const player = document.getElementById("my-player");
  player.addEventListener("loaded-media-data", () => {
    console.log("The media data of the media has loaded.");
import { WistiaPlayer } from "@wistia/wistia-player-react";

export default function App() {
  function handleLoadedMediaData() {
    console.log("The media data of the media has loaded.");
  return (
    <WistiaPlayer mediaId="abc123" onLoadedMediaData={handleLoadedMediaData} />


Fires when metadata of the media has been loaded. Depending on the browser, this event may be delayed until a user has interacted with the video.

Example code:

<script src="" async></script>
<wistia-player id="my-player" media-id="abc123"></wistia-player>

  const player = document.getElementById("my-player");
  player.addEventListener("loaded-metadata", () => {
    console.log("The metadata of the media has loaded.");
import { WistiaPlayer } from "@wistia/wistia-player-react";

export default function App() {
  function handleLoadedMetadata() {
    console.log("The metadata of the media has loaded.");
  return (
    <WistiaPlayer mediaId="abc123" onLoadedMetadata={handleLoadedMetadata} />


Fires when the browser has started to load a <wistia-player> embed.

Example code:

<script src="" async></script>
<wistia-player id="my-player" media-id="abc123"></wistia-player>

  const player = document.getElementById("my-player");
  player.addEventListener("load-start", () => {
    console.log("The player has started loading.");
import { WistiaPlayer } from "@wistia/wistia-player-react";

export default function App() {
  function handleLoadStart() {
  	console.log("The player has started loading.");
  return (
    <WistiaPlayer mediaId="abc123" onLoadStart={handleLoadStart} />


Fires when the media's muted state changes.

This event also includes additional information stored in its detail property:

isMutedbooleanReturns true if the player is currently muted.

Example code:

<script src="" async></script>
<wistia-player id="my-player" media-id="abc123"></wistia-player>

  const player = document.getElementById("my-player");
  player.addEventListener("mute-change", (event) => {
    const { isMuted } = event.detail;
    console.log(`The media is${isMuted ? "" : " not"} muted.`);
    // Example output: "The media is muted."
import { WistiaPlayer } from "@wistia/wistia-player-react";

export default function App() {
  function handleMuteChange(event) {
    const { isMuted } = event.detail;
    console.log(`The media is${isMuted ? "" : " not"} muted.`);

    // Example output: "The media is muted."
  return (
    <WistiaPlayer mediaId="abc123" onMuteChange={handleMuteChange} />


Fires when the media's state changes to "paused".

Example code:

<script src="" async></script>
<wistia-player id="my-player" media-id="abc123"></wistia-player>

  const player = document.getElementById("my-player");
  player.addEventListener("pause", () => {
    console.log("The video was just paused!");
import { WistiaPlayer } from "@wistia/wistia-player-react";

export default function App() {
  function handlePause() {
    console.log("The video was just paused!");
  return (
    <WistiaPlayer mediaId="abc123" onPause={handlePause} />


Fires when the value of percentWatched changes.

This event also includes additional information stored in its detail property:

percentWatchednumberThe new percent of the media that has been watched.
lastPercentWatchednumberThe previously recorded percent of the media that has been watched.

Example code:

<script src="" async></script>
<wistia-player id="my-player" media-id="abc123"></wistia-player>

  const player = document.getElementById("my-player");
  player.addEventListener("percent-watched-change", (event) => {
    const { percent, lastPercent } = event.detail;
    if (percent >= .25 && lastPercent < .25) {
      console.log('The viewer has watched 25% of the video! 📈')
import { WistiaPlayer } from "@wistia/wistia-player-react";

export default function App() {
  function handlePercentWatchedChange(event) {
    const { percent, lastPercent } = event.detail;
    if (percent >= .25 && lastPercent < .25) {
      console.log('The viewer has watched 25% of the video! 📈')
  return (
    <WistiaPlayer mediaId="abc123" onPercentWatchedChange={handlePercentWatchedChange} />


Fires when the media's state changes to "playing".

Example code:

<script src="" async></script>
<wistia-player id="my-player" media-id="abc123"></wistia-player>

  const player = document.getElementById("my-player");
  player.addEventListener("play", () => {
    console.log("The video was just played!");
import { WistiaPlayer } from "@wistia/wistia-player-react";

export default function App() {
  function handlePlay() {
    console.log("The video was just played!");
  return (
    <WistiaPlayer mediaId="abc123" onPlay={handlePlay} />


Fires when the playback rate of the media changes.

This event also includes additional information stored in its detail property:

playbackRatenumberThe playback rate of the media. Normal speed is 1.0, half speed is 0.5, double speed is 2.0, etc.

Example code:

<script src="" async></script>
<wistia-player id="my-player" media-id="abc123"></wistia-player>

  const player = document.getElementById("my-player");
  player.addEventListener("rate-change", (event) => {
    const { playbackRate } = event.detail;
    console.log(`The playback rate is now ${playbackRate}x.`);
    // Example output: "The playback rate is now 1.5x."
import { WistiaPlayer } from "@wistia/wistia-player-react";

export default function App() {
  function handleRateChange(event) {
    const { playbackRate } = event.detail;
    console.log(`The playback rate is now ${playbackRate}x.`);

    // Example output: "The playback rate is now 1.5x."
  return (
    <WistiaPlayer mediaId="abc123" onRateChange={handleRateChange} />


Fires when the current second of the video has changed. Technically this is a subset of the time-update event, and thus will always fire after time-update events but before seek events.

This event also includes additional information stored in its detail property:

secondnumberThe second as an integer, equivalent to Math.floor(player.currentTime)

Example code:

<script src="" async></script>
<wistia-player id="my-player" media-id="abc123"></wistia-player>

  const player = document.getElementById("my-player");
  player.addEventListener("second-change", (event) => {
    const { second } = event.detail;
    if (second === 5) {
      console.log("The media's current time is exactly 5 seconds.");
import { WistiaPlayer } from "@wistia/wistia-player-react";

export default function App() {
  function handleSecondChange(event) {
    const { second } = event.detail;
    if (second === 5) {
      console.log("The media's current time is exactly 5 seconds.");
  return (
    <WistiaPlayer mediaId="abc123" onSecondChange={handleSecondChange} />


Fires when a seek operation has completed.

Example code:

<script src="" async></script>
<wistia-player id="my-player" media-id="abc123"></wistia-player>

  const player = document.getElementById("my-player");
  player.addEventListener("seeked", () => {
    console.log("A seek was completed.");
import { WistiaPlayer } from "@wistia/wistia-player-react";

export default function App() {
  function handleSeeked() {
    console.log("A seek was completed.");
  return (
    <WistiaPlayer mediaId="abc123" onSeeked={handleSeeked} />


Fires when a seek operation has begun.

Example code:

<script src="" async></script>
<wistia-player id="my-player" media-id="abc123"></wistia-player>

  const player = document.getElementById("my-player");
  player.addEventListener("seeking", () => {
    console.log("Started a seek.");
import { WistiaPlayer } from "@wistia/wistia-player-react";

export default function App() {
  function handleSeeking() {
    console.log("Started a seek.");
  return (
    <WistiaPlayer mediaId="abc123" onSeeking={handleSeeking} />


Fires when the value of silentAutoplay changes.

This event also includes additional information stored in its detail property:

isInSilentPlaybackModebooleanReturns true if the player is displaying the "Click For Sound" icon.

Example code:

<script src="" async></script>
<wistia-player id="my-player" media-id="abc123"></wistia-player>

  const player = document.getElementById("my-player");
  player.addEventListener("silent-playback-mode-change", (event) => {
    const { isInSilentPlaybackMode } = event.detail;
    console.log(`'Click For Sound' is${isInSilentPlaybackMode ? "" : " not"} visible.`);
    // Example output: "'Click For Sound' is not visible."
import { WistiaPlayer } from "@wistia/wistia-player-react";

export default function App() {
  function handleSilentPlaybackModeChange(event) {
    const { isInSilentPlaybackMode } = event.detail;
    console.log(`'Click For Sound' is${isInSilentPlaybackMode ? "" : " not"} visible.`);

    // Example output: "'Click For Sound' is not visible."
  return (
    <WistiaPlayer mediaId="abc123" onSilentPlaybackModeChange={handleSilentPlaybackModeChange} />


Fires when the currentTime property is different from the lastTime property.

Example code:

<script src="" async></script>
<wistia-player id="my-player" media-id="abc123"></wistia-player>

  const player = document.getElementById("my-player");
  player.addEventListener("time-update", () => {
    console.log("The time of the media changed.");
import { WistiaPlayer } from "@wistia/wistia-player-react";

export default function App() {
  function handleTimeUpdate() {
    console.log("The time of the media changed.");
  return (
    <WistiaPlayer mediaId="abc123" onTimeUpdate={handleTimeUpdate} />


Fires when the volume or mute state changes.

This event also includes additional information stored in its detail property:

isMutedbooleanReturns true if the player is currently muted.
volumenumberThe volume of the player, as a decimal between 0 and 1.

Example code:

<script src="" async></script>
<wistia-player id="my-player" media-id="abc123"></wistia-player>

  const player = document.getElementById("my-player");
  player.addEventListener("volume-change", (event) => {
    const { isMuted, volume } = event.detail;
    console.log(`The media's volume is ${Math.round(volume * 100)}% and it is${isMuted ? "" : " not"} muted.`);
    // Example output: "The media's volume is 50% and it is not muted."
import { WistiaPlayer } from "@wistia/wistia-player-react";

export default function App() {
  function handleVolumeChange(event) {
    const { isMuted, volume } = event.detail;
    console.log(`The media's volume is ${Math.round(volume * 100)}% and it is${isMuted ? "" : " not"} muted.`);

    // Example output: "The media's volume is 50% and it is not muted."
  return (
    <WistiaPlayer mediaId="abc123" onVolumeChange={handleVolumeChange} />